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Reading: Laura Esther Sciortino: Remote Control | Annie Bloom's Books

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  • Forthcoming from The Poetry Box: REMOTE CONTROL

    Unleash Lit: Remote Control, Dandelions, & Easy Place

    The Flying Dodo: Hopscotch

    Escape Wheel Anthology - great weather for MEDIA: Palate Cleanser (print)

    The Comstock Review: Euphemism, published with special merit (print)

    Muse/A Journal: Skin

    dadakuku: nothing/everything

    Medium: various mini-essays, short-shorts, and poetry


    My debut novel MS was one of five finalists in the Writer’s League of Texas General Fiction Manuscript Contest

    WLT MS Contest

    Placed in round one of NYC Midnight’s Flash Fiction Challenge

    One of seven finalists in The Southampton Review’s Short Short Fiction Contest (blind entry)

    Finalist for Special Consideration in the ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Competition (1200 entrants) 

    ScreenCraft Competition


    The Southampton Review - Reader on the Masthead 2020

  • I grew up in a white stucco house in a small Florida Panhandle town (aka, Lower Alabama), where we watched porpoises from the dinner table. Leaving behind fried amberjack sandwiches and white sand dunes, I headed “up north” to Chicago for college, earning a BA in English from Northwestern University and an MA in Social Science from The University of Chicago.

    The City of Big Shoulders is still dear to my heart. I especially loved acting and writing in Chicago’s vibrant non-equity theaters, making friends for life, and starting a family. For more than a dozen years now, I’ve lived in Portland, Oregon.

    My career through line is communication. Past and present roles include teacher, counselor, training simulation designer, subject matter expert interviewer, team and client manager, recruiter, actor, freelance writer, editor, and coach.

    When I’m not at my writing desk, you might find me in the kitchen micro-grating ginger root and lemon zest or playing euchre with my husband, son, and our three affable cats, one for each lap.

    I’ve been a frequent blissed-out guest and volunteer at Breitenbush Hot Springs, my inspiration for the setting of my debut novel which I’m currently querying. Despite devastating fire damage in 2020, the community is rebuilding from the ashes. They inspire me.

  • I like small & big talk.

    Let’s Talk!

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